Excellent service, fast, personalized and with good customer advice. With a wide variety of paints and enamels.
Jose Ros
White Ecologic plastic paint exterior and interior
Plastic paint of excellent quality and whiteness, formulated with acrylic-vinyl copolymers and without solvents. Due to its properties and absence of odor is ideal for decorating in schools, hospitals, food industries and all types of decoration.
Certificates: UNE-EN 13501-1: 2007 + A1:2010. European ecological label (register number ES-AR/044/001).
Washability higher than 10.000 cycles. UNE 48.243 for type II paints.
Fire classification of materials: Reaction to fire. B-s1,d0
Formats: 0,750 Liters - 4 Liters container - 15 Liters
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