Excellent service, fast, personalized and with good customer advice. With a wide variety of paints and enamels.
Jose Ros
Acryl Sport. Floors
Water-based paint for exterior floors of sports facilities and garages without excessive traffic.
Formats: 0,750 Liters - 4 Liters - 15 Liters
For a proper finishing of floor paints, please pay special attention to the instructions in the datasheets. Special attention to the information on surface preparation and environmental conditions necessary for its application.
Colors: Gray, green , White and Oxide red
Satin finish
Performance by layer: 5-9 m²/kilo depending on the surface
Drying: 30-40 minutes
Repaint: 7-9 hours
Dilutions: water
%: 20 - 30 1st layer, 10 - 20 2nd layer
Applications: brush, roller, spray gun
Cleaning: water