Excellent service, fast, personalized and with good customer advice. With a wide variety of paints and enamels.
Jose Ros
Simil turpentine
Simil turpentine
Formats: 0,5 Liters (25 u./box) - 1 Lt. (16 u./box) -5 Liters (4 u./box ) - 25 Liters
Density at 15.5 ° C. . . . . 0.770 to 0.780
Color Saybolt. . . . . +30
Distillation range 760 mm.Hg.ºC. . . . . PI. Min. 145
P.F. Max 200
Sulfur Content. . . . . > 5ppm
Copper corrosion. . . . . 1 A Max
Aromatic content. . . . . 15/20%
Kauri Butanol index. . . . . 37
Aniline point. . . . . 54/57 ° C
Flash point, closed cup. . . . . 36 / 38C